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Any thing without added weight will tone and firm.Bulk can only be obtained by putting a "Demand" on the muscles.Asking the muscles to do something it is not use to doing.

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Q: What is the best exercise to tone up thighs and bum but not make them 'chunky' and will Pilate's work these areas or just core?
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Related questions

What exercises targets stomach and thighs?

Pilates offers a great option for targeting problem areas such as the stomach and thighs. In particular the challenging core workouts in the various Pilates methods are very effective.

Is pilates a good exercise to work the abs?

Pilates is a great exercise to work the abs.However Some people may disagree. It targets different areas in the abs which makes it an excellent way to help tone muscles.

What kind of work out routine can I do to improve my physical health?

Are you looking to do more cardio or looking to do more toning on problem areas such as the tummy, buttocks, thighs, and arms? It would really depend on what you are looking to do and what exercise you are comfortable doing. I have heard that Pilates is great at targeting all of these areas and might be what you are looking for. But before you start any exercise program, make sure you talk to your doctor to make sure it is ok.

How do you Lose inches from buns and thighs?

To lose inches from buns and thighs, tone up these areas with exercises designed for the buns and thighs. Cut down on the number of calories that you consume, and get more exercise.

How do you get thicker arms thighs hips calves and butt in two months?

Why would you want to do that! Exercise and toning will build muscle and thus form shape to these areas.

Is cycling good to burn fat on the thighs?

During exercise, you cannot target a certain area of fat to be burned off. Cycling is a good way to burn overall body fat, but it may be burnt if from other areas of the body before your thighs.

How old do you have to be to attend a pilates class?

Pilates classes are usually for older people who have a goal to be more flexible and in better shape. But, in most areas pilates classes should allow anyone to join who just wants to be fit.

When comparing reformers pilates with basic pilates which program allows for faster weight loss?

Reformers pilates targets more muscles and trouble areas than basic pilates allowing for faster weight loss. This can vary for different people depending on age, how much weight they want to lose, etc.

Are there any really good excercises on how to lose arm fat?

It's impossible to target specific areas for fat loss, but weight training and pilates can develop long, lean muscles. This, combined with regular cardio exercise, will slim your arms.

Where can I read about how to reduce body fat in specific areas?

Check out books about Pilates; they often have exercises that target certain areas, along with your core.

What type of dance is jazzercise?

Jazzercise is a type of exercise routine that incorporates jazz dance with aerobic exercise. Jazzercise is not a dance, per se. It is simply a series of work outs set to dance routines. These dance "work outs" target certain areas of the body, such as the thighs, buttocks, and stomach.

What are the health advantages of using the Body Balance items?

Body Balance items, like their balls, can be used in different ways to exercise a body. They can be used for strength training to build up muscle in areas of the body like the thighs or abdomen.