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The average 16 year old either has never been to the gym or hasn't been using one for over a year. Therefore I'd say about their bodyweight, so 60-80 kg maybe? that's an estimate though obviously.

The people below are estimating a lot more but that's definitly not what the average 16 year old would lift, a lot of people at my uni don't squat that much.

It really depends on your weight and height, but usually the average 16 year old squats 140%+ of his weight.

The upper-75 percentile can usually go for 180%+.

And Doing 210-230%+ of your weight is pretty darn good.

I'm 168.4 pounds, and can squat 375 lbs, but I have been powerlifting since 7th grade. And yes I'm 16 years old.

- Im 16 and am 62.3 kg an i squat 120kg, might be more now usually do 8 reps at 90 ATM and have been olympic weight training for around 6 months now

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Q: What is the average squat of an 8th grader?
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The everage weight of and eight graderfor the girl around 100 pounds and for boy around 115 pounds This is if you are under 5'5''. If you are over that it will definatily be more. that person is not right at all! maybe the average 7th grader is 100 pounds, but not eighth grader. I would say that the average 5'3 eighth grader is atleast 105 pounds. that person can't even spell "average", so I wouldn't go by their information.

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