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keeping active, stretching, running , walking; and yoga is famous precisely for its ability to keep one flexible.

EDIT: Dance


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Q: What is example of a physical activity that will help your body stay flexible?
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What is an example of a physical activity that will help your body stay flexible?

There are several, including yoga, pilates, and dance.

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The cdc recommends that children and adolescents get how many minutes of physical activity every day

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The relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular activity is that physical activity changes body organs, which results in improved cardiovascular fitness. hope this helps :)

What are flexible and expand in the body?

Joints are flexible structures in the body that allow for movement, while muscles can expand and contract to produce movement. Together, joints and muscles work in harmony to provide flexibility and enable various types of physical activity. Stretching exercises can help improve both flexibility and muscle expansion in the body.

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What are the example of the sound body?

Examples of a sound body include having a healthy weight, regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and overall good physical health without any underlying medical conditions.

What are the scientific basis of physical fitness?

physical activity that the body partakes in has a scientific basis.

What is ability of the body to function successfully and efficiently during physical activity?

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What does the body feel like after warming up?

After warming up, the body may feel more flexible, loose, and more prepared for physical activity. Blood flow to the muscles increases, enhancing muscle performance and reducing the risk of injury. Overall, you may feel more energized and ready to engage in your workout or activity.

Is karate a physically activity?

Yes, it is a physical activity that requires one to use muscles and the body.

Is decreased bone density an effect of physical activity on the body?

Activity is important in preventing osteoporosis