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Was wondering about timing for others to swim this distance -- I swim around 5K per day, probably 5 or so days per week on average -- approx. time is around 1 hr 30 mins or 1 hr 45 mins, nonstop swimming. Note that I've just gotten back into swimming this summer after a break of 2 yrs or so, but when younger I swam daily during summers.

Late 30s male in pretty decent shape, 6' + and a little over 200 lbs.

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14y ago

I'm 45 (male and a teacher and ex footballer), and my training time (I go 7 days a week- I have never raced), is 28mins 47 secs. I am now thinking of aiming for the 25 min line for the 5Km. I have lost weight (4 st over the last year) but I have caught the fitness bug and I am keen to push myself to see how much improvement I can make- within reason. Is there anyone out their like me - please share your your experiences.

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12y ago

I'm not sure what the average time is but I'm currently running a 5k in 23:20. From what I've seen if you want to be competitive you'd need to bring in a time closer to 19-20 min.

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15y ago

about 10-15 minutes

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around 30 minutes

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24 minutes

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Q: What is an average 5km run time for a 40 year old male?
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Sub 20 for a Man and sub 25mins for a girl is a good time.

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around 30mn is really good but I started around 45mn.

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