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One example is the movement of the arm while running

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Q: What is a sporting example of a Isokinetic contraction?
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When utilizing isokinetic machines a true isokinetic contraction occurs at what stage?

A true isokinetic contraction occurs when the resistance matches the force applied by the muscle throughout the entire range of motion at a constant velocity. This allows for maximal loading and muscle activation at every point in the movement.

What type of contraction is used primarily for stability?


How is isokinetic exercise done?

Isokinetic exercise utilizes machines that control the speed of contraction within the range of motion. Isokinetic exercise attempts to combine the best features of both isometrics and weight training.

What is a sporting example of a concentric contraction?

masturbating is essential

What is isokinetic peak-torque?

Isokinetic peak torque refers to the maximum amount of force that a muscle can generate at a constant speed during an isokinetic muscle contraction. It is commonly measured during strength testing to assess muscle function and performance.

Which of these choices is an example of a contraction?

a example of a contraction is -It's-

Exercise that uses special machines that provide resistance and control the speed of contraction machines are generally used by physical therapists and are not readily available outside gyms?


What are the disadvantages of isokinetic training?

Isokinetic testing is within the constraints of the machine. Isoinertial testing more closely mimics real life activity.

What Four sporting movements in muscloskeletal actions and contraction?

Pivot, Hinged, immovable, and gliding.

What is an example of a contraction?


Is running an isokinetic exercise?

No a push up uses fixed resistance (normally body weight or more if weights are added) which is isotonic not isokinetic

What's the contraction of he has?

He's. Example: He has completed it. = He's completed it.