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Q: What is a good fat person game?
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Is fat princess a good game?

it was made in russia by a man you may know by the name of mark richt i say it is a good game

If you are fat can you have a boy friend?

Some men are attracted to fat females, and some men are looking for a good person they can relate to and fat is not a factor.

Is cherry pie good 4 you?

no if you eat it you will be a very fat person

Can fat people look good in skinny jeans?

If the fat person went on a diet or managed to lose weight, yes.

What does has game mean?

It means that that person is good at what ever game he is playing.

What is good fat?

Unsaturated fat is good for you and saturated fat is good for you

Why it wouldn't be good to be thin in the Arctic?

Because you will get cold quicker than a fat person.

Can a fat twelve year old get a girlfriend?

yes, if that person has a good personality--but it depends

Is World of Warcraft good?

It is up to each player to decide if a game is good or not. There is no way one person can know if another person will call a game good. If you like it, you like it. If you don't, you don't.

How does visceral fat differ from subcutaneous fat?

Visceral fat lies around organs in the peritoneal cavity. Subcutaneous fat lies as the name implies under the skin and is also known as 'the hypodermis'. Distribution of visceral fat differs from person to person. The more overweight a person is the greater the amount of visceral fat.

Can a fat person also be healthy?

A fat person can be healthy, yes.

Can you eat fat and still lower you triglycerides?

If one has recently been diagnosed with triglycerides, it is not recommended for that person to continue consuming fat. If fat must be consumed, good fat such as avocado or peanut butter would be most ideal.