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This variation is performed with your hands close together underneath your chest, the thumbs and forefingers of each hand touching each other. You lower yourself until your chest touches your hands and then push yourself back up. Diamond pushups places more stress on your triceps and will really help to fill them out. A folded towel will provide cusioning for your hands. It's a normal pushup done with your hands positioned in a diamond shape manner, such that your index fingers on both hands are touching one another, as are your thumbs. It's a normal pushup done with your hands positioned in a diamond shape manner, such that your index fingers on both hands are touching one another, as are your thumbs.

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16y ago
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15y ago

They work you triceps and your inner pectorals(chest)

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12y ago

They work the side of your rib cage leading up to your shoulder blades, your chest, mostly your upper chest though, and your triceps.

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How many day to get strong on push ups?

Not very. Whether you are doing 3 count push ups, diamond push ups, timed push ups, etc. It's not going to help you doing 1000 a day. Especially if you have not done 1000 a day in increments of more than 50 at a time. You need to let your body rest. If you do 1000 push ups over three days or 1000 push ups a day three times a week, your muscles will grow stronger. Not to mention that there will be less of a risk of injury. Your muscles grow by tearing and repairing. If you continuously do push ups at that rate your muscles will tear without adequate time to repair, which will give you the opposite reaction you are aiming for.

What does push ups help you out with?

Push ups will help to build up your arm muscles and help stabilise your core.

Are push ups bad for you?

Push Ups are great as long as you change them up every 3 weeks or incorporate different types of push ups into the mix with less reps and more reps every time. Such as ; Incline Push ups for upper side of pectorals, Regular Push ups for right side of pectorals, Decline Push ups for lower side of pectoral, Knee Push ups for right side of pectorals. Workout Routine: 1×20 Regular Push Ups 1×20 Incline Push Ups 1×20 Decline Push Ups 1×20 Knee Push Ups Then repeat 3 times Push Ups work several parts of the body and are known as a 'Compound Exercise.' They work the Pectorals (or chest), Abdominals , Triceps and Forearms. They also help with endurance. If you squeeze your chest while doing them the results will be better for you chest. In a week if you do 300 - 500 push ups a day you will see results to the right side of the pectorals.

Is there an easier way to do push ups?

depends if your male or female, female push ups are already relativly easy, but if your male give the females push ups a try :)

What are the dangers of push ups?

You have to be careful that you do push-ups correctly. By doing push ups Incorrectly, your risk of damaging your shoulder, back muscles and/or spine is greatly increased.

What type of push ups can boys not do?

I brought you a great video about push-ups Do 100 PUSH UPS A Day | Life Changing Watch the video ht tp s://b B nDzf

Why do you use your triceps when doing push-ups?

You can do push-ups without using triceps muscle.

How many push ups dose charlie bronson do?

How many push-ups can Charles Bronson do

Will push ups stop your growth?

No, push ups will not stop a persons growth. Push ups help people lose weight. This exercise is very popular.

How do you do a proper girl push up?

Well, there are push-ups that are easier to do. You can do push-ups with your knees touching the ground, which makes them easier to do.

How can you do push ups?

By practicing half push ups with your knees until you are strong enough to do full ones.

How many push-ups can an average 22-year-old do?

Average is 17-29 push ups.