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If you're going to drown... a lot. Edden Rabin, 15 North Allegheny Intermediate High School. Pittsburgh PA.

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Q: What are the oxygen demands during swimming?
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Anaerobic Threshold is the point at which aerobic oxygen demands exceed capability true or false?

Anaerobic Threshold is the point at which aerobic oxygen demands exceed capability

Is anaerobic threshold the point at which aerobic oxygen demands exceed capability?

Anaerobic Threshold is the point at which aerobic oxygen demands exceed capability

What is the chemical substance formed in the anaerobic respiration in muscles?

Lactic acid is the chemical substance formed during anaerobic respiration in muscles when there is not enough oxygen available to meet energy demands.

What to happens to breathing rate during jumping jacks?

Increases due to greater oxygen demands and a rising blood CO2 concentration (PCO2).

Why do you breathe faster during exercise than during sleep?

Exercise places greater oxygen demands on the body, therefore signaling the respiratory center to increase the rate of respiration in order to increase the oxygen supply to the body's muscles and other tissues.

Which molecule is produced during exercise resulting in oxygen debt?

Lactic acid is the molecule produced during intense exercise when there is insufficient oxygen to meet energy demands. This leads to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, causing fatigue and contributing to the oxygen debt that needs to be repaid post-exercise.

How do bats get oxygen?

Bats acquire oxygen through their respiratory system by breathing air into their lungs. During flight, their respiratory rate and metabolism increase to meet the demands of their high energy expenditure. This allows them to effectively extract oxygen from the air to support their activity.

Can excessive swimming with minimal oxygen and water cause blacking out?

Yes. Don't worry, swimming is the only exercise where lack of oxygen will cause you to black out

What organ has the highest oxygen demands?

The heart has the highest oxygen demands among all organs in our body. This is because the heart needs a constant supply of oxygen to function properly and pump blood throughout the body.

What are biochemical oxygen demands?

BOD is the oxygen necessary for living organisms in a sample of water for the degradation of organic compounds.

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describe the role of the cerebellum during swimming exercise

Is breathing heavy a result of oxygen debt?

Breathing heavily can be a result of the body trying to quickly take in more oxygen to meet the increased demand during exercise or physical activity. This is not necessarily an indication of oxygen debt, which refers to the body's inability to supply enough oxygen to meet the demands of exercise.