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  • Weight training exercises alone aren't particularly effective for weight loss. For weight loss you want to burn more calories, and to burn calories you want get your heart rate up and to keep it up, and the longer the better. Weight training rarely achieves that. Cardio/aerobic exercises will do a better job at this. Besides, while muscle is better than flab, muscle is still weight, and weight training will put more muscle on you. If you insist on weight training you should focus on low weights and endless repetitions.
  • Cardio is important for weight loss. To achieve best results you should do your cardio in the morning.
  • The very best exercise combination for weight loss is cardio exercise and weight training. Proper weight training will build muscle, which is your metabolic furnace that will burn additional calories 24 hours a day. Cardio exercise, when done properly, it is very effective for fat loss. Cardio will increase the amount of calories your body uses during and immediately after exercise. For more information about how to combine cardio and weight training for weight loss, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
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13y ago

It depends on what your trying to achive. If losing weight and being more toned and cut is what your going for, doing high repititions with low weight of any exercise. If your tryin to get big and strong fast do low repititions with high weight of any exercise. Here are some good exercises for each muscle.

CHEST- flat benchpress for center chest. incline benchpress upper chest. decline benchpress for lower chest. butterflys and dumbell flys are good for inner chest. Press ups are under rated for chest, vital part of any chest routine.

BACK- lat pull downs, dumbell rows, pull ups, chin ups and deadlifts.

LEGS- squats works your entire legs and lower back, leg extentions works the quads, leg curls works the hamstrings, calf raises works the calves, and deadlifts again will hit your upper leg (mostly quads).

ARMS- barbell or dumbell curls (seated or stood) works the bicepts, if you curl the barbell/dumbell with your palms facing down instead of up this works the forearms. (Beware that what you curl with your bicep, ie 30lbs, you will struggle with drastically when doing a forearm curl.)

BBS- type in medicine ball exercises on Google and you will find everything you need to know. using a medicine ball is the best way to work-out you mid section. and leg raises are good too.*

SHOULDERS- shoulder press with a barbell or dumbells. Standing over head press is also very good for shoulders, but as it is free, start at an easy weight to warm up with and find your balance.

If you are unsure on any of these exercises, please just Google their names. There will be a multitude of examples all across the internet.

NOTE: Abs will only show if you have little bodyfat (roughly 12-8% bodyfat they will start to show). Doing lots of crunches will not get you a visible six pack unless coupled with low bodyfat.

Generally, using free weights, ie away from machiness, will provide better results if you are new to Weightlifting. This is because machines use practised motions, therefore isolating a certain muscle group. If it is your own muscles that are keeping the barbell, dumbbell etc in a good practised movement, they will consequently develop to a better quality and in less time than if you used machines.

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10y ago

Running and swimming are the two best self weight exercise. You can contract the reciprocal sets of muscles to develop both of them.

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Q: What are the best weight training exercises to lose weight?
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Are aerobic exercises the best exercises to lose weight?

Aerobic exercises can contribute to weight loss pretty well by cutting body fat and increasing endurance and metabolism. They are one of the best next to cardiovascular and strength training exercising.

What exercises are best to help me lose weight?

To lose weight, cardio exercise is the best as it helps you burn extra calories. Along with the cardio, mix in a little strength training to help you gain endurance and to boost your metabolism.

What is the best way to lose weight in the stomach?

The best way to lose weight is to do cardio workout (also known as aerobic exercising) and to do some sort of ab workouts. Weight training of any sort will strengthen your abdominal muscles. Talk to your doctor or do some research to find out what exercises are best for you.

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Some exercises that are good to help your body become fit and lose weight are:Walking - normal or in the treadmilljogging - on a track or in a treadmillEllipticalCyclingStair stepper

Is swimming cardio?

yes and its one of the best and most funn exercises you can do to lose weight.

What are some good exercises to lose weight?

To lose weight you want to do endurance training. Lots of jogging and crunches. If you would like to use weights use an amount that you can do 20-30 reps with.

What exercises can you do to lose weight on your legs and hips?

Your body loses weight as a whole, the best fat burner is heavy cardio exercise, biking and running are the first ones that usually come to mind. Spot training is a myth, you can not do a sit-ups and lose belly fat (only)....

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It is very difficult to lose weight in your face, unless you are losing weight overall. Some specialized neck exercises, such as rolls, might help, as might squats and bench presses. The best way to lose weight out of your face is to lose weight overall.

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How can you lose your kilos?

By doing regular gym and weight strength exercises, I can easily lose many kilos of my body weight.

How do you lose weight on your legs with out losing weight anywhere else?

By doing strength and resistance training exercises on your lower body. Your fat cells are probably more concentrated in your lower body so you need to shrink them by dieting. Your body will lose weight wherever fat cells are concentrated.

Which exercise is the best to lose 3 pounds?

weight lifting and cardiovascular exercises will give you results. you need muscle to burn fat.