Timber Trail Mole Stomper Kayak Attack Pipe Slider Mine Cart Adventure Mountain Boarder Speed Roller Lake Top Trampoline Stone Stepper Sprint Challenge Head on Hurdler Log Leaper Conveyer Runner SeeSaw Battle Jump Rope Waterfall Climber
The very last one which will be a psyic trainer
In all games, he is in the cafe.Not the Top Trainer Cafe (PS)Have you got 3 Gym Badges and deafeated your rival,Barry??? It's simple as that!!!
all Forget the previous answer and play black/white then black/white 2
nobody because I've played all of the Pokemon games and i didn't find one.
There is a mixture of really cool games you can play including mine adventure, skipping, hurdles, sprinting there is over 16 games for single or multiplayer games. However, at the moment there is only a outdoor adventure game.
HAHAHAHA! it was probably because he was bored. He's the strongest trainer in all of the games and it was easy to beat everyone he faced. Maybe he was looking at the next rising trainer and when he said "........." it's likely he was surprised you made it to him.
You can collect trainer tokens from several online games from pokemon. You can then use these tokens to buy gear and other things for your pokemon trainer.
The Best Pokemon Trainer i think is Casey apparentlly never beaten he appears in all Pokemon games after you beat the elite 4 like hundreads of times or something from what i hear or maybe red also known as ash
No, they don't.
For all trainer faq go to:http://www.cpcheats.info/faq/trainer-faq/
OT stands for Original Trainer.