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The tread of a shoe is used to increase Elasticity

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Q: Tread of shoe soles are made to increase?
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Related questions

Why shoe soles are provided with design?

soles of shoes are provided with design to increase friction

What parts of the shoe are made of rubber?

your soles of your shoes

What materials were shoe soles made of prior to the invention of rubber?

Before the invention of rubber, shoe soles were typically made from materials such as leather, wood, or plant fibers like jute or cork.

Does using shoe polish for mens shoes increase their longevity?

No shoe polish keeps the tops new looking, the soles and the inside of the shoe will still keep wearing.

What correction Today's hikers prefer a shoe that is six inches high is made of leather and thick sturdy composition soles?

Today's hikers prefer a shoe that is six inches high, is made of leather, and thick sturdy composition soles.

How can you increase the amount of friction between your shoes and the ground?

by increasing the roughness of the ground or increasing the sole of the shoes

Where can you purchase shoe out soles?

What is the bottom part of a shoe called?

I believe it is the same as on a tire, a Tread.

What is the name of a deck shoe with rope soles?


How does the uneven surface of the rubber soles of your shoes help to increase the friction on a rainy day?

that will increase the total surface area of the base of the shoe and thus will increase the friction force and this help a lot ex-specially on rainy day

What is vulcanized used for?

A vast array of products are made with vulcanized rubber including tires, shoe soles, hoses, and hockey pucks.

What is the name of the grip on your shoe?

The grip? Perhaps the tread.