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With Tribulus Terrestris an estrogen blocker is not necessary. With DHEA, it would be highly recommended. One prescription drug that will serve as an estrogen blocker is Propecia. Propecia is used to prevent and reverse hair loss in men and is quite effective. It is therefore a prescription which is easier to acquire (what doctor would turn down a male patient wanting to ensure that he keeps his hair) and is effective for both purposes (keeping hair and blocking additional testosterone from aromatizing into estrogen and related compounds). But then, I'm not an expert, just a guy who works out and tries to keep up with the growing body of knowledge out there.

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Q: Should you take estrogen blocker if I'm taking DHEA and Tribulus?
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There are a great many varieties of estrogen. Not just one as the name would suggest. You should speak to your endocrinologist, to discuss possible side effects of the particular estrogen they prescribed to you.

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An estrogen pill will make your breasts bigger as long as you keep taking the pill. If you stop taking the estrogen pill then your breasts will stop growing.

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Do you need to take estrogen suppression if you are taking testosterone?

No, you really don't need estrogen blockers if you are taking testosterone as part of replacement therapy or a sex-reassignment program. That said, taking estrogen blockers may help decrease feminization and make the testosterone replacement more effective in the case of sex-reassignment. However, men who take testosterone and/or anabolic steroids for performance enhancement reasons would generally block the aromatase enzyme to prevent testosterone from being converted to estrogen. Excessive amounts of testosterone causes breast growth since the body converts extra testosterone to estrogen. As always, you should never take any sort of prescription medication that is not prescribed to you, and nothing said here should be taken as medical advice.