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Q: Should people with kidney disease lift weights?
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Why should patients with liver or kidney disease be cautious in the use of colony stimulating factors?

In people who have kidney disease, liver disease, or conditions caused by inflammation or immune system problems, colony stimulating factors may make these problems worse.

How many people are diagnosed in the US with kidney disease each year?

2 million people are diagnosed with kidney disease each year, and a few thousand die of it or complications.

Who should not take essiac tea?

Essiac tea is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Also people with kidney disease should not use essiac. The tea contains oxalic acid which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

How many people die a year of Kidney disease?


How does the kidney disease spread to other people?

Most of the kidney diseases are not transmitted from one person to other.

How old do you have to be to have kidney failure?

You can get Kidney Disease at any age. I was diagnosed at age 9 with Kidney Disease but had it earlier than that just undiagnosed. Usually it does not get diagnosed until stage 3 of Kidney Disease because that is when post people start to show symptoms. Chronic Kidney Disease means you will end up on either a dialysis machine or need a kidney transplant where as Acute Kidney Disease they might be able to save your kidneys. More can be found out at your local Kidney Foundation depending on what country you are in.

How often is polycystic kidney disease found in the population?

One in every 500 live birth, suffer from polycystic kidney disease. There are about 12.5 million people, suffering from this disease. That make this disease as one of the most common life threatening genetic disease. Approximately one in 453 or .22% of Americans have polycystic kidney disease. That is about 600,000 Americans.

Who should not take goldenrod?

Due to lack of sufficient medical study, goldenrod should be used with caution in children, women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, and people with kidney disease.

How To Avoid Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease affects millions of people, however, certain types of kidney disease may be avoided. Risk factors in the development of kidney disease include high blood pressure, diabetes and taking certain medications. Managing high blood pressure with diet, exercise and prescription medications can help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as reducing the incidence of kidney disease. In addition, managing blood sugar levels can also help lessen the risk of kidney disease. Symptoms of kidney disease in include high blood pressure, an increase or decrease in urinary output, swelling of the extremities, nausea and general malaise.

How do cholesterol-reducing drugs affect people with kidney or liver disease?

people with kidney or liver disease may be more likely to have blood problems or other side effects when they take certain cholesterol-reducing drugs. And some drugs of this type may actually raise cholesterol levels in people with liver disease.

Symptoms of Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease can strike anyone, but certain criteria make it more likely. People who are more likely to contract kidney disease include people with a family history of kidney disease, diabetics, people with high blood pressure and aged people. Kidney disease can be lethal if it is not diagnosed and treated properly. Proper functioning of the kidneys is life sustaining. The kidneys flush out toxins in the body as well as releases fluid (through urination); help maintain blood pressure, makes red blood cells and aid in healthy bones. Symptoms of kidney disease include fatigue/tiredness, inability to focus, lessened desire for food, sleep deprivation, night cramps, inflammation of feet and hands, puffy eyes (most noticeable upon awakening), dry skin and greater frequency in urination. The presence of these symptoms should spur patients on to a visit with their family doctor. The first most general reasons people get kidney disease is diabetes. The second highest reason people contract kidney disease is high blood pressure. High blood pressure is easier to detect than diabetes and can also cause heart issues. Detecting to onset of kidney disease early enables doctors and patients to halt the advancement of further damage to the kidneys. Failure to act in halting the disease can lead to serious damage of the kidneys. If kidneys enter the renal failure stage, the options are limited. Those options include dialysis and kidney transplant. Patients who are diagnosed with kidney disease have many options to slow or stop the progression of the disease. A change in diet is necessary as well as many other factors. People with kidney disease can live a full life and the prognosis is excellent for patients who follow specific directions of their physicians. If any risk factors exist, it is important to ask the doctor for three particular tests. The tests include blood pressure, urine protein test and creatinine blood test. The doctor can diagnose kidney disease with these three tests which allow the patient to obtain the proper care.

How can I get diabetic kidney disease?

Ways that you could get diabetic kidney disease are, by heredity, diet, medical conditions and many more factors. Also it is proven that people with high levels of blood glucose are more likely to develop and increase of diabetic kidney failure.