As far as I know, Yo Yo is not considered as a sport since it does not require a considerable amount of energy. Any sport requires burning an amount of calories, and Yo Yo does not fulfill that. In addition, Yo Yo is not registred as a sport and it is considered as a game.
Yoga is not a sport. It is a form (Spiritual)Exercise introduced, Invented by Ancient Indians. It was practiced by Ancient Kings, Sages of India. By doing yoga, keeps a person healthy, spiritual.
It is believed that in ancient times, a Yoga master could float in air.
It is actually invented by "Brahmans" of India. Brahmans are particular group of people from India. I'm not one of them, But some of my friends are Brahmans.
No yoga is not a gay wanna Know Why Because If It was a gay sport why do so much women do it and less men
cause they are weird
Yoga is one it is kind of a sport
badminton and yoga
CheerleadingMiley likes Dancing and Cheerleadingshe does pilates or yoga something
swim,walk,yoga or team sports
Yes, if you're physically capable... or any kind of sport should do the trick.
sumo wrestling ping pong soccer table tennis and yoga
Apparently, the biggest sport in the United Kingdom is Football. However, it is not the same in all countries.