weight lifting uses white muscle. Red muscle is used for longer sustained, repetitive movements, like long distance running.
Humans have both in their bodies.
Red muscle is slow contraction muscle, used in exercise requiring long-time contractions White muscle is fast contraction muscle, used in fast exercises Every living person has pink muscle in a certain amount. Pink muscle is a combination of the two other muscles giving you explosive power and stamina. Contrary to scientific belief pink muscle can be built up after extensive workouts with a persons maxed out weight limit.
Sharks have two types of muscles, red and white. The red muscle is slow contracting and needs oxygen-rich operating environment. The white muscle is quicker at contracting, but does not need the oxygen-rich operating environment.
You can't Buy some pink or white Mix white with red
There are basically two types of muscle fibers in our bodies that we have voluntary control over. One is called "red" muscle, and the other is called "white". Red muscle fibers have the ability to perform work over longer periods of time without fatigue. White muscle fibers are able to work hard, but for a shorter period of time than red fibers. An endurance athlete will have exercised his or her red muscle fibers (through long exercise sessions), so that they grow stronger and bigger. This means that their body will have the ability to do work for much longer than a person who only exercises for shorter periods (and exercises their white muscle fibers).
if your are using paint, then mix red with a tiny dab of white. if you are using crayons/colored pencils, then color red lightly. if it's not as light as you want it to be,then add white.
red blood cells,white blood cells,and muscle cells.
So...this answer i found in the manga/anime "History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi" they were talking about the different types of muscle there are three types...red, white, and pink red is for stamina, but has less power (think marathon runners) white is for explosive power, but only for an instant (think weightlifters) and pink is right in the middle, in a very small amount, that has both explosive power and stamina. In reality "pink muscle" in humans does not exist. Humans have white and red. The only way to achieve something similar to pink is to build your muscles to have both white and red. This way the white will give you the explosive power you need while the red till let you go for long periods of time.
To make a light red color, mix a small amount of red pigment or paint with a larger amount of white pigment or paint. Gradually add more white until you achieve the desired shade of light red.