Idk what is that. Flexing doesn't do anything but up your morale. Hit some tricep extensions supersetted with pushups for maximum strength gain.
The triceps brachii muscle does not flex the elbow; it is responsible for extending the elbow joint when it contracts.
triceps brachii
extensorThe triceps brachii is an extensor. It is the large muscle on the back of the arm and is primarily the muscle used for extension of the elbow joint or straightening of the arm. The triceps is also an antagonist of the biceps and the brachialis muscles.ExtensorsTriceps is not a flexor. It is extensor of the elbow joint.
supraspinatus muscle
The Biceps flex the elbow The Triceps extend the elbow
The feeling of bench pressing can help develop the triceps by engaging and strengthening the muscles in the back of the arms. This exercise targets the triceps specifically, leading to muscle growth and increased strength over time.
Antagonists of the biceps are triceps (the three head muscle). Biceps flex and triceps extend.
The biceps and triceps are muscles. They flex and extend the forearm, respectively, so they are considered antagonists.
Triceps (the muscles behind/under your arm) are NOT flexors. They are extensors. You flex your biceps, not triceps.
Biceps Brachii flexes the forearm and the Triceps Brachii extends the forearm.
Biceps flex the arm at the elbow, and triceps (along with the brachialis) extend it. The deltoids raise the arms.
The primary antagonist of the brachialis muscle is the triceps brachii muscle. When the brachialis contracts to flex the elbow, the triceps relaxes to allow this movement.