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no! yesterday i tried to do some sports and now i have 2 torn muscles and the doctor said i wont be able to move my leg again

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Q: Is sport good for the muscles?
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What is the best sports for muscles in your arms?

Boxing ! Not only for arms but also good for back muscles. How do i know ? I do that sport and i am a 33yrs old lady.

Why do you do streches in sport?

to stretch out your muscles. muscles like your leg muscles and shoulder muscles.

Is thetherball a good sport?

actually yes it is because its working your hand muscles very good to where if u want to be able to lift ur self up it would help your muscles

Is snowboarding considered a sport?

Yes!! snowboarding is considered a sport. It works your ab muscles and leg muscles.

Is figure skating a good weight loss sport?

Well being a figure skater myself it is a good exersizing sport... Its fun and you can lose weight too.... But in time you do gain more muscles especially in the legs!

Which sport gives you the best work out?

I do taekwondo and that's a good workout, but swimming is very good for you, as it uses a lot of different muscles in your body! Hope this helps! :)

What is the science of field hockey?

sport is a type of science cause in sport you use muscles so you muscles and health are realted to science. Being a physiio

What sport is good to get height?

sports like basket ball and swimming are good for the height as u nedd to stretch your muscles so you in turn get good excercise and that's good for your physic as well

What sport would you use your upper calf muscle?

Any sport that includes running/walking/cycling will use your calf muscles. Riding a bike every day is also a good way to strengthen your calves.

Is it better to have relaxed muscles in sport?

Yes, by relaxing one's muscles it reduces the risk or pulling or tearing them.

What sport do you use the least muscles?

Bowling is a sport that uses the least amount of muscles, as it primarily involves the arm and shoulder muscles for throwing the ball. The limited physical activity required for bowling makes it more of a leisurely or social activity rather than a highly physically demanding sport.

Why is soccer a safe sport?

because you have the muscles to help you if you get hurt