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Soy protein is a more complete protein than any animal-based protein. The human body is more receptive to soy protein. On a side note, most humans are actually overdosing themselves on protein when they rely on animal products for the nutrient, which can lead to an array of health problems. Weight lifters and athletes can easily attain all the protein they need from plant-based sources.

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Q: Is soy protein better than whey protein?
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I am recovering from surgery and want to know if whey protein supplement is better than Soy protein?

well it depends on the brand and type of Whey, if its isolated or hydrolysed then yes it might be better and work faster, for best results get hydrolysed protein. yet combining Whey, Soy and Casein protein works even better.

What are the main protein?

Whey concentrate, casein protein, whey isolates, hydrolysate protein, soy protein, milk protein isolate, and egg albumin are proteins used by bodybuilders.

What's the difference between Whey protein and regular protein?

whey protein is a higher quality protein than regular whey, milk, egg or soy. And because whey is packed full of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) - leucine, isoleucine, valine - it may help preserve lean muscle tissue between workouts or when dieting.

What are some highly recommended protein powders for body builders?

Some highly recommended protein powders for body builders are: Whey protein, soy protein, hydrolysed whey protein, whey protein isolate, egg protein, micellar casein protein, beef protein and plant protein.

What is protein concentrate?

Most protein concentrate is dried whey powder. Whey is the liquid left from milk when making cheese. However some uses soy protein instead as some people are allergic to dairy products.

What are quality brands of protein powder?

EAS is a good protein powder and so is Muscle Milk but it all comes down to taste and if you want a full whey protein or a complex powder that has whey and soy. EAS is my favorite.

Are there any protein powders that are not made from whey?

There are a great number of protein powders and protein supplements on the market today that use whey as their protein source. However, whey is not the only source used. Other types of protein sources available include casein, egg, goat milk, soy, pea, and cow milk.

What are the benefits of using soy protein powder?

Soy protein powder is a great way to get some extra protein in one's diet. Soy is a complete protein, containing all the essential amino acids the human body needs. It is also a great alternative to whey protein to those who are dairy sensitive.

Whey protein vs soy protein?

Whey protein digests quickly whereas casein gelatinizes for slower, more prolonged digestion with less of an insulin spike. As a consequence, casein is most effective for feeding the body over the fasting period of sleep.

What are the benefits of casein protein?

Casein protein is derived from milk. Many body builders use it at night time due to the fact that it metabolizes slower than other forms of protein. It is a good type of protein to use in combination with whey and soy protein

Does eas myoplex original protein shake contain soy protein?

yes. both eas and muscle milk are primary soy proteins. get a whey based protein shake like onesource optimal nutrition or gatorady recovery.

How does casein protein differ from whey?

Whey protein is a lot better if you want bigger and stronger muscles. It's also healthier too. research shows higher cancer rates from Casein protein, because it's derived from animals. Your muscles also absorb Whey protein than Casein protein after working out. The question is not which protein is better, but which one is better absorbed. Whey is the fastest digesting, whereas casein is slower digesting so your body gets the protein slowly and evenly throughout roughly 8 hours. Egg or Albumin protein is also slower digested to spread out absorption. Which one is best depends on how you need it to be utilized. Whey is best for post workout, when you want a faster absorbing protein to repair and rebuild muscles. Casein is better when you won't be getting protein for over 4 hours, like before bed or as a meal replacement. The best proteins in my opinion are the blended ones that have fast and slower releasing proteins. Protein could be very confusing, so go with a blend to cover all bases. Also most proteins are derived from animals. If you are a Vegan, you can get soy, rice or even protein derived from wheat, but animal proteins are rated higher biologically than vegetable proteins.