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no. eating right after a workout isn't a good idea since that's wen your body feels the need for food and energy more than usual-and a fruit shake has tons of sugar in it which isn't a good idea after a work out!

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13y ago

A protein shake straight after a work out is excellent as your body's receptors are open & and will be able to utilize a larger quantity of the shake,as well to replace important vitamins & and amino acids which you'll find in most good quality protein shakes.

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Q: Is protein a good drink after a workout?
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Can you stack jack3d with size on?

Yes! I recommend it. Jack3d is a pre-workout drink that combines creatine, caffeine, and NO2 and provides you with a ton if energy. Size on in an intra-workout drink that gives you a bunch of amino acids, some protein and carbs to get you through your workout. If you're looking to pack on some serious muscle, this is the combo to take! P.S. Don't forget to have a good quality protein shake after your workout. Good luck!

Do you build muscles if you drink soda after a workout?

No. You need protein to build muscles. Soda does not have protein.

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Drink 2% Milk if you dont workout mixed with high protein powder. Drink whole milk with high protein powder if you DO workout.

What is a good carb and protein to eat after a workout?

About 24 grams of protein after a work out, a pre training supplement in the AM and a whey casein just before bed for optimal muscular growth results

Should you eat during a workout?

No, you should eat protein before and after, but drink a lot of water during.

Which protein is best pre-workout?

You can get the best nutrition including protein if you drink whole milk or low fat milk before workout. You would want whey protein before you workout. What brand of protein is up to you but Optimum Nutrition is one of the most popular. I would stay away from the super cheap protein from target and walmart because it usually is lower quality.

What is good after the workout protein shakes or amino tablets?

Amino tablets

Do you drink protein drinks before or after you work out?

After. You need the protein to build your muscles after the workout, not for the energy needed to work out.

Should you drink protein before or after working out and on every workout?

both 30 mins before and 30 mins after. but if you only want to once, 30 mins after. drink protein if you want ur muscles to be bigger

Why do people drink protein shake during work out?

Protein helps the body to grow muscles and support muscle recovery. Typically the best time to take protein though is directly AFTER a workout.

Does drinking milk after a workout negatively affect your health?

no it does not milk is a very good drink to have after a work out but not as much before your workout.

Should you eat protein before or after a workout?

Before and after! My trainer says a good soy protein shake before helps my body work out at an optimal level, after is good for rebuilding the muscle from the workout.AnswerYes it is a good idea to consume protein before and after a workout but it should be known that the most crucial time, is after your workout. During the 3 hours after your workout is essentially your muscle making window of opportunity. This is when your muscles are basically starving for protein and makes the most use of them. I suggest a fast acting protein such as whey immediately after, like within 15 minutes! Typically, this is a protein powder that you mix with water or milk. Sometime after that, within the 3 hour window consume a good whole food meal containing at least 30 grams of protein and 50-80 grams of complex carbs such as white rice, pasta, baked potato, etc. The reason I suggest the use of a complex carbs at this time is not to make you fat, because it won't. Complex carbs will raise you insulin levels and shoot all those good nutrients through your bloodstream straight to repairing your muscles. It's also a good time to enjoy that plate of spaghetti or rice. If you are looking to gain weight then eating pasta, brown rice or a baked potatoe is a great suggestion however if your goal is to lose weight I suggest eating half of what you would for rice or pasta and replace it with broccoli and green beans.