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Yes, just don't over-do it, as your body is in a very stressful time of growth.

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Q: Is it okay to bench press when you started puberty?
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Is it ok for a boy at 13 not to have gone through puberty yet?

Yes it is okay. Everyone starts puberty at different times. Most likely, you will start soon.

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Usually puberty starts at the age of 12-13 in boys. So it may be okay if you talk a year later.

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okay,. none of that really matters, there are guys out there that are 150 that can bench over 200 pounds and guys out there that are 300 pounds that coulde barely lift 100 pounds. Its all about your training and nutrition.

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My friend is 20 and still has not hit Puberty is that bad?

first off, i may not be a guy, but my dad is 60 something and he still has the same voice from when he was yeah he hit it already just not a voice change or facial hair....people go through it differently like okay my little brother is 19 and he didn't hit puberty till he was 2 say.....not that bad. Most children start Puberty at around 10 to 13-years-old. Girls usually start a year before boys on average. Everyone is different but if you have not started by 16 to 17-years-old then it is worth visiting your Doctor who may be able to prescribe hormonal treatment to hurry it along. Puberty lasts 4 to 5 years so most have ended puberty by 18-years-old. It would be very rare that someone has not started by 20-years-old. My guess is that they have started puberty but have not noticed any effects.

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u can press the R2 button... ^_^ Okay...?

Is it okay for a 12 year old to produce sperm?

Yeah that's healthy cause ur probably going through puberty.

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ahhh okay