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Q: Is it ok to drink amino acids when working out?
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What are the two special groups in amino acids?

ok the two special groups is the Amino End, and the Acid end.

What are the carbohydrates converted to in the digestive system?

carb break down into sugars by the help of enzymes .

Is redbull ok to drink when your prengant?

No do not drink it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you took 2 200 mg of ibuprofen and am going to drink will you be ok?

You should not drink while taking Ibuprofen. It can cause acids that damage the liver. However, a few light drinks should be fine. Just don't get totally wasted.

Is squash good for you (drink)?

squash as in the vegetable or drink?? Veg=yes, it is healthy Drink= OK in small quantities; about 600ml per day is OK! :)

Is it ok to drink alcohol before your period?

why drink alcohol in the first place. it'll be easier to stop if it's not ok

Is waterfall water ok to drink?

yes it is very safe to drink

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Are smoothies OK to drink the day after you make them?

Smoothies are OK to drink the day after you make them, provided that they have been refrigerated. If you just leave them out on the counter, then no, they are not OK to drink.

When is it not okay to drink alcohol when you are pregnant?

It is NOT OK to drink alcohol when you are pregnant ... period.

Is it ok to drink ensure while pregnant?

It is okay to take this nutritional drink.

Can you drink beer while taking amoxicillin?

The general consensus among the medical community is that a couple of drinks consumed while on antibiotics is fine.