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It wouldn't be terrible if you lifted light. If you are a female and looking to lean up then it could be beneficial. If you are a male and looking to bulk up then you shouldn't lift light everyday. I do separate lifts everyday and i lift very hard everyday. I also do a cardio everyday.

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Generally, your muscles need recovery time between workout sessions. Muscle building involves "ripping" the muscle, which means that you're actually doing a slight amount of damage to the muscle each time to push it close to its limit. This isn't a bad thing, because your body will repair it, and the finished product will be bigger and stronger than the original. But if you don't give your body enough time to heal those microscopic tears, then any further time spent ripping them again won't have much benefit.

Additionally, sore muscles tend to be prone to serious injury, mostly because they're already slightly injured. If you want to avoid overtraining injury, you should always stretch and warm up before exercise, cool down and stretch afterward, and don't rip those muscles against until they aren't sore anymore.

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