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in weight training muscle endurance can best be emphasized by combining a

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Q: In weight training muscle endurance can best be emphasized by combining?
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What is the difference between speed training and endurance training?

endurance training is for strength and speed training is for leg muscle and fat burning

How many reps should be performed for muscle endurance training?

For muscle endurance training, it is recommended to perform 12-20 repetitions per set.

How does concentric resistance training impact muscle strength and endurance?

Concentric resistance training can improve muscle strength and endurance by targeting the concentric phase of muscle contractions, which involves the shortening of muscles against resistance. This type of training helps to increase muscle force production and enhance the ability of muscles to sustain repeated contractions over time, leading to improvements in both strength and endurance.

How will the hamstring muscle group adapt long term in response to aerobic endurance training?

The hamstring muscle group will adapt in a few ways with long term aerobic endurance training. One adaptation is that they will become flexible.

Does eccentric training favor strength or size?

Eccentric training does favor strength. It does build more muscle strength and endurance than muscle growth.

Which type of strength training uses machine---generated forces to increase muscle strength and endurance?

Core training

What are the benefits of incorporating concentric training into a workout routine?

Incorporating concentric training into a workout routine can help improve muscle strength, power, and endurance. This type of training focuses on the muscle contraction phase where the muscle shortens, leading to increased muscle growth and overall performance.

Which type of strength uses machine generated forces to increase muscle strength and endurance?

Core training

Which is the ability to repeat muscle movement over a period of time?

Muscular endurance.

Does muscle strength training or muscle endurance training get you more ripped?

yes it does weight training shapes ur body. It boost ur metabolism to enhance fat loss, also it causes ur muscles to fatigue and forces growth.

What are the benefits of incorporating high volume training into a muscle growth program?

Incorporating high volume training into a muscle growth program can lead to increased muscle hypertrophy, improved muscular endurance, and enhanced overall strength. This type of training can also help stimulate muscle growth by increasing metabolic stress and promoting muscle fiber recruitment.

How does endurance training result in increased physical performance and stamina?

Endurance training improves physical performance and stamina by increasing the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, enhancing the body's ability to deliver oxygen to muscles, improving muscle endurance, and boosting the body's capacity to utilize energy sources effectively.