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in weight training muscle endurance can best be emphasized by combining a

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Q: In weight training muscle endurance can best be emphasized by combining?
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endurance training is for strength and speed training is for leg muscle and fat burning

How will the hamstring muscle group adapt long term in response to aerobic endurance training?

The hamstring muscle group will adapt in a few ways with long term aerobic endurance training. One adaptation is that they will become flexible.

Does eccentric training favor strength or size?

Eccentric training does favor strength. It does build more muscle strength and endurance than muscle growth.

Which type of strength training uses machine---generated forces to increase muscle strength and endurance?

Core training

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Core training

Which is the ability to repeat muscle movement over a period of time?

Muscular endurance.

Does muscle strength training or muscle endurance training get you more ripped?

yes it does weight training shapes ur body. It boost ur metabolism to enhance fat loss, also it causes ur muscles to fatigue and forces growth.

Which type of muscle is suited for endurance activities?

Red Muscle is suited for endurance activities.

What is the combining form for muscle?

The combining form for muscle is myo- or my- (example: myopathy).

What is the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance training?

Aerobic capacity is the endurance of activity on the heart muscle in high or low impact aerobic exercise. Muscle endurance is the amount of weight that you are able to lift without tearing muscle fibers.

What excerzises do you have to do to be in a professional soccer player?

Running Endurance running and sprints . You need to be fast and quick and you need endurance to last in a game full out. Strength training, core muscles and just about every muscle needs to be strong .

The heart muscle tissue has the most endurance of any muscular organ in the body?

It is true that heart muscle has the most endurance of any muscular organ in the body. Skeletal muscle has the least endurance.