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Depends on what you're after.

Jog before breakfast forces the body to burn fat, as all easy energy has already been used up during the night. so it's "good" for that.

OTOH, turning fat into muscle fuel is slower than turning food into muscle fuel, so you can't push as hard.

So if you're training for strength/speed, it's "bad" and it'll give you a poorer workout.

However, by jogging (or doing any physical exercise for this matter) can actually have negative affects on your body. It is recommended you leave at least a 30 minute gap between your meal and your exercise to allocate enough time for your food to digest before you do any physical exercise.

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14y ago

i would say run first , then take a 10 - 15 minute break then eat

if you eat before and run fast , well lets just say not a good idea

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Q: If you run early in the morning do you eat breakfast before you run or after you run?
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