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Do not use steroids whether you are fat, skinny, stocky, or wiry. Anabolic steroids build up cellular tissue in muscles. They make you gain weight and size.

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Q: If you are stocky will steriods make you more stocky or skinner?
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How do you become skinner?

Exercise, eat healthy, make sure to burn more calories than you take in, and drink plenty of water.

What WWE superstars take steriods?

The only one that i know of is Rey Mysterio, I'm pretty sure theres more but that's the only one i know of Rey doesnt take steriods! That was a rumor that was proved wrong a long time ago. CM Punk spreaded that rumor to protect himself because he took steriods. Also William Regal took steriods. And I am pretty sure that john Morrison took steriods.

What does steroids do to a person physically?

Steroids make the body produce twice as much testerone which makes a person more aggressive that's why pro players use steriods

Is Tiger Woods more popular then a-rod?

Tiger Woods is more popular for good reasons. A-Rod is popular for using steriods

What is the name of The psychologist most closely associated with the study of operant conditioning?

B.F. Skinner is the psychologist most closely associated with the study of operant conditioning. He conducted experiments with animals and developed the principles of reinforcement and punishment that are central to this theory.

What is a Jerkline Skinner?

A Jerkline Skinner is the main driver of a mule team who handles the reins. More precisely, he is the driver astride the neigh wheeler who handles a single line, the jerk line, that goes to the bit of the neigh leader. Pulling the line causes the leader to turn left. Jerking the line causes him to turn right.The term skinner refers to a mule skinner, a person who drives mule teams.

What is a Skinner box?

A Skinner box is an experimental apparatus developed by psychologist B.F. Skinner to study animal behavior. It is a controlled environment that allows researchers to study how animals learn through reinforcement and punishment. The box typically contains a lever or button that the animal can press to receive a reward or avoid a punishment.

Will steriods such as dianabol show up in a urine test when looking for more common drugs like exctacy etc?

No, the test has to be particular.

Which concept of BF Skinner showed that an animal is more likely to repeat and action if rewarded?

The concept known as reinforcement

Why did skinner believe you have no free will?

He believed that people we as humans are like white rats we have a learned behavior and continue through life that ways. Skinner believes we humans behave like white rats because we act like "cucarachitas". Meaning the way we act with each other. Skinner rejected mentalism, he did not believe in the supernatural. He believed in determinism and not free will all behavior is determined by prior conditioning. He also believed in reductionism, this is the principle of breaking down more complex phenomenon into simpler, more elemental forms. Also, Skinner believes we have no ethics.

Is there a natural food that contains anabolic ingredients?

Yes. All steriods start with cholestrol which is found in many foods. but eating more cholestrol won't help you get more muscle.