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Muscle cramps are usually caused in part by a calcium deficiency. Make sure you are taking in lots of calcium (which you need Vitamin D to absorb) and these may help the cramping.

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Q: I get horrible cramps from running is there anyway to help get rid of them?
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What kind of breathing eliminates side cramps while running?

To try and avoid or eliminate side cramps while running one should take deep breaths from the belly and not the chest. Shallow breaths should be avoided and remaining hydrated will help.

Do prenatal vitamins cause cramps?

I've been wondering the same thing. i take my vitamin before bed every night and i wake up with horrible cramps. I'm hoping it's the vitamin and not a problem with the baby. Everyone tells me not to worry but i can't help but to worry because the pains are pretty intense.

Does nyquil help relieve menstrual cramps?

Nyquil is for a cough and sore throat not for menstrual cramps.

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senna to help that you can get to sleep

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Where can I buy in store of the Women's tight running shorts?

You can buy them at your local sports store or foot locker. They will help very much with the pain from running. But you should see a doctor to check if you are injured in anyway before running long distance.

How does exercising help your period?

I have read that running or brisk walking is very good exercise when you are on your period. Youc an even continue with your usual gym work-out but perhaps not do such heavy wieghts. Generally exercising on your period will help to relive bloating and cramps.

How can birth control pills help cramps?

Menstrual cramps are caused by a chemical found in the menstrual fluid. By reducing the amount of menstrual fluid, the pill reduces cramps.

How much tonic water will help leg cramps?

The amount of tonic water needed to help with leg cramps varies. The amount is dependent on the size of the person who needs it.

Help I'm 17 and i am pregnant.i have been having horrible cramps i am 7.5 weeks in and i started to spot like 4 days ago it started light pink but is red now. is this a miscarriage please help?

You should go to the ER and let them see what is going on. I am having the same problems and I am on my way to the ER.

Would tylenol help for period cramps?

Yes, Tylenol will help ease the pain of menstrual cramps - all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs all work on menstrual cramps as it is inflammation caused by hormones that cause uterine contraction which cause menstrual cramps. It is however far better to prevent yourself from getting menstrual cramps to begin with, often lifestyle changes alone are enough to prevent menstrual cramps.