This all depends on whether the lifter is trying to build muscle size and strength or improve strength endurance (in essence, powerlifting vs. lifting for reps). If powerlifting, I tend to do 3 sets of 15 with heavy weight. When I lift for reps, I usually remove about 100 pounds (around 20-25% of your powerlifting weight) and lift for a timed minute as fast as I can for 3 sets. Also note that using freeweights for calf-raises is much more beneficial than using the nautilous. or leg press machine, as it requires balance and helps build stabilizer muscles that otherwise can't be worked. The best method for performing free-weight calf-raises is with the bar and weights across the shoulders as if you were going to squat, but just raise yourself on your toes keeping your legs straight and about shoulder-width apart.
A rider's calves should be below them, in line with their hip andsholder in English.(knees bent) HOWEVER in Western a rider's calves should be in front of them, with their knee at a slight angle.
Bear calves could be referred to those calves that have such thick fluffy hair that they look like little bears with four legs; these are often referred to yak calves, Highland calves, or Galloway calves, all of which are born with thick long hair. The term could be a mis-spelling of "bare calves" which may be those calves that are orphaned and are raised in a bottle or bucket by humans.
how often should work be backed up how often should work be backed up
Not really, no. Calves should be eating plant-type feed, not insects or insect larvae.
I don't think many personal trainers or other experts recommend training the calves once a week, but then again, many people have different strategies when it comes to body building.
every day
work out, run, row, ballet lessons, etc.
the magnificent mile
Squats work your hamstrings and your quadriceps along with your gluteus maximus. If you are doing them correctly you should be pushing through your heels into the floor with ~80% of your force. The other 20% is from the balls of your feet but that is mainly for stabilization and not a significant plantar flexion exercise. Soooo yes, you do have to do calves separately.
No I don't think so. The sex of a calf can often determine how hard it is going to be to give birth: bull calves often give heifers and some cows more trouble than heifer calves.
Atleast 4 days in a week.