It is not easy to answer this question... I believe that you should be able to bench at least your weight, perhaps not right away but within 2 to 3 months. Until then you should try and lift 60% of your weight for at least 3 sets of 10.
Curling is to isolate your biceps, do them in front of you, If you curl 60 and weigh 117 your doing fantastic, You should be able to bench 130 I way 95 and can bench 110 But, I'm sorry at culing i can only curl 20
first she should learn how to spell.
117 pounds is about 53 (53.07030729) kilograms.
An average 14 year old should be about 117 pounds but if your shorter then 5'0 you should be 80 to 95 pounds but if your not thats ok and if your taller then 5'4 you should be 120 to 135 pounds but its ok if your not
8 stone 5 pounds is approximately equal to 117 pounds.
117 pounds = 53,070.3g
169 pounds
There is no confirmation on this, but Luigi is likely about 117 pounds, as Mario is 200 pounds.
117 pounds is approximately 53 kilograms.
If you are female- You should be about 136 pounds, but anything from 117 and 156 is still okay. If you are male- You should be about 145 pounds, but anything from 131 and 159 is still okay. Hope that helps! :D
If you are 16 and 5'4'' then you should be around this area of weight: 117-135 pounds or 48-57 kg
117 kilograms is 257.94 pounds.