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around 74 to 80 kilos depending on his bone structure..

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Q: How much should a 5'9 23 year old Natural bodybuilder weigh onstage in competition shape?
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What is social Darwinism and how did business leaders use this theory to limit competition?

Social Darwinism is the application of Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies. Business leaders used this theory to justify monopolistic practices by arguing that only the strongest businesses should survive, leading to the belief that competition was a natural process that should not be interfered with by government regulations. By promoting the idea that competition was a struggle for survival, they sought to limit competition and consolidate their power in the marketplace.

Im a 16 year old bodybuilder will it affect your growth?

Being a bodybuilder shouldn't affect your growth. If you are eating plenty of protein and providing your body minerals and vitamins, you should not experience a lack of growth.

What powerful supplement should every bodybuilder know about?

Fiber and protein are a must to the diet of a serious bodybuilder. The protein helps in muscle development, which adds more mass to muscles. And fiber helps in digestion.

What foods should a bodybuilder eat?

Food with quite heaps of protein in it like chop chop chicken

When should you eat before competition?

You should not eat right before a competition becuase you may feel nervous and throw up. You should at least eat 30min. before a competition

Where can I find effective bodybuilder supplements online?

You can find effective bodybuilder supplements online from a number of sources, such as the following websites: and However, you should be sure to check with your doctor/nutritionist before purchasing and taking anything.

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Should a bodybuilder take calcium supplements?

Absolutely, bodybuilders are ever growing and need the most important minerals in there body for proper growth. When a bodybuilder works his body to its peak it starts to break down these minerals, calcium is one of the top ten minerals they need to grow properly.

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loges for the bride and groom in a fancy dress competition

When should you eat before a competition?

a athlete should eat something healthy before having a game maybe something with carbohydrates and a bit of fat to get the energy rising