It depends on the person. e.g. their weight, muscle mass, strength, age and height.
do dieting and build your muscle
The best way would probably be working out and eating a lot of meat.You should lift weights, but instead of eating a lot of meat, get on a high calorie diet. You will gain muscle mass, and muscle weighs more than fat.
Any physical action that you do can give you muscle. You don't necessarily need weights to gain muscle. Simple things like push ups can still give you muscle.
Puppies stop the majority of their growing once they reach about one year old. They continue to grow until they are about 2 years old, but at a much slower pace. After two years old, they fill out and gain more muscle mass.
A person's weight depends upon their body type, muscle mass, height, and genetics. Talk to your doctor before deciding to gain/loose weight.
Muscle mass is important in maintaining a healthy body. Depending on age and physical activity level, the average muscle mass percentage lies between 38% and 54% for men and between 28% and 39% for women.
For 99% of you, these are a waste of money and will make you fat! Weight gain powders are protein and carbohydrate, usually sugar, and a bunch of vitamins and fancy sounding stuff that is supposed to magically build muscle - don't believe it. For most people the only weight you will gain is FAT. For the few people that have no appetite at all or are dangerously low in body mass, these products can be a life saver but for the rest of us they are not appropriate. Many people mis-label themselves as "hard-gainers" when in fact they are normal. When working out hard and having flawless nutrition, it is resonable to expect you will gain 5lbs of muscle in a year - maybe 10lbs/year if your are one of the genetically gifted few. Don't believe the ads claiming that mass gain powders help hard-gainers to add muscle, they don't, they just help add fat!
If you not sore after a workout, your not going to gain muscle. When you lift, what you are doing is making tiny rips in your muscle, your body recovers by building new muscle to avoid it again. So if your muscles arent sore, your not going to gain any muscle.
Somewhere between 110 and 140 lbs depending on your level of muscle mass, activity, etc.
Muscle can add mass to your body without adding fat. You will need to eat protein to help add to the mass.
You should not necessarily gain any weight each year. Assuming that you were not overweight or obese when you graduated high school, you weight at that time may be a good weight for you for the rest of your life. If you have any questions about this, consult with your physician or other professional health care provider. In addition, it is important to maintain the same body composition percentage as you age. It is no good keeping the same body weight if you are decreasing your lean muscle mass and increase your body fat every year!
It depends on your height and muscle mass.