The weight varies--a couple pounds or so. if you have a bar, the weight of the bar will be printed right on the bar.
An Olympic bar weighs 45lbs.
An ingot is the same thing as a gold bar. A gold bar is a bar, that is made out of solid god. They typically weigh 438.9 ounces.
High Pulls and Power Cleans are great alternatives, while providing a much better training economy.
1 kilo
32 grams.
2 ounces
A standard bar weights 20 pounds.
3oz 85 cents
A standard bar of Ivory soap typically weighs 3.1 ounces or 88 grams.
It will vary depending on the style of stainless steel Bull Bar that you are choosing. If you are looking at a basic center piece Bull Bar it will weigh around 30-50 pounds. If, however, you are looking at a Bull Bar with a Brush Guard, it will weigh 100-110 pounds.