It depends on how much muscle you want to gain and if your doing this regularly or not. I usually do it 1 time a day but don't overwork yourself or you'll end up losing muscle from weakened muscle.
three times a day with smaller portions.
There is no "cow" that will weigh at that weight. A CALF will weigh at that weight, not a cow. And to answer your question, it would be as many times as it wants to. Which can be anywhere from 2 to 6 times a day.
twice a day/ 14 times a week
he should eat 2,000-2500 a day, but if he wants to lose weight then....1,700 calories. and excersice 3 times a day. wanna maintain that weight? eat 2,000-2500 calories a day and excersice 4 times a day
about 5,000
eat up to 9% of its body weight (approx 50 kg) per day
Yes you can but you shouldn't weight lift using the same muscles everyday.
It doesn't matter really many times a day you eat, it does matter how much and what you eat. To gain weight you need to eat above you RDA in calories!
3 times a day but not to much or to little
You will take 2 capules 30 min. before meals up to three times a day.