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'5' whoever wrote that really helpful you are, giving someone the wrong answer.

This question is not answerable there are too many variables. For example F.I.T.T (frequency, intensity, time, type) basically how hard you train, how many times you train in a week, how long you train each session, and what type of training you are doing - (3-way split, 4-way split, drop sets, interval, continues, ect.) There is a lot of controversy surrounding the way people train and how they build mass because everyone is different. Also some other variables are, diet, genetics (to a degree), actually i'll save your time by shortining this answer and mine by writing the short answer.

There is no correct answer to that question, try it and find out.

! any other questions e-mail me @ and i will answer any questions Thanks!

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Q: How many inches can a man gain on the arms in a month doing weight training?
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