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I am 14 (5'5 140) and can do 25 consecutive chin ups i would say being able to do 10 is decent but then again when i got my bar i couldn't do 1 you can build up chin up ability very quickly.

I'm thirteen 5'7 140 and I can do fifty after one month of having my bar so it doesn't take long to get good!

When I was 16 I did 300 consecutive chin-ups. I thought I was the strongest kid around until my high school gym teacher forced me to them with proper forum. That is, 3 seconds up, chin 90 degree angle with the bar and pause for 1.5 seconds, 4 seconds on the way down, then when you get down you fully extend your arms then pause for 1.5 seconds. Then repeat this cycle. I went from doing 300 cheaters to doing approximately 10 real chin ups. So i could do 30 times less chin ups when using perfect forum.

Given that, I would estimate that if you can do 50 cheating chin-ups and if I threatened you and said do as many perfect forum chin ups as you can, I would have to do something drastic after about 5 because that's all you could do.

To answer the question: If you can do 10 perfect form chin ups you are part of an elite group it doesn't matter your age.

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14y ago

Actually about 25-35.

But its kinda obvious that you cant do so many because ur asking this question.

If i were u. i would install a pull up/chin up bar right beetween the door like i do it and i got much stronger.

I did this and i am up to 35!

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15y ago

Are you serious? I can only do 13!! I could probably do more, plus I don't extend my arm all the way! Seriously, in my school the most ever done was 28...

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