It's all relative, but the average occasional runner should take about 16-20 minutes. If it takes you more then 20 minutes, you're not a runner.
8.4kph is 5.22mph 2/5.22 is 0.383 hrs or 23 mins
About 23 minutes.
23/75 = 18minutes 24seconds
23/50 hour = 27minutes 36seconds
21 minutes, 13.85 seconds
It depends how fast you're going
How long dose it take to go 20 miles at 90 mph
Asuming you can maintain exactly 60 mph for the whole trip it will take you exactly 23 minutes.
an hour if your driving seventee four miles per hour.
3 hours 50 minutes.
3 hours 23 minutes.
1 hour 23 minutes.