It is not advisable to walk on a treadmill with a broken rib as it can cause further discomfort and delay the healing process. It is best to rest and allow your rib to heal properly before engaging in any physical activity.
All treadmill would give you approximately the same type of cardio workout. To increase your workout, you may want to choose a treadmill that allows you to walk fast or to walk "uphill".
A treadmill.
Does not really matter, I normally walk first and then Bike
1 Hour or less
A treadmill is considered a combination of simple machines, including a wheel and axle (the treadmill belt and roller) and an inclined plane (the surface of the treadmill). These components work together to allow for an individual to walk or run in place.
You burn about the same amount of weight per mile moved, regardless of whether you run or walk. The difference is in how long it takes you to move that mile. The faster you walk, the more you will burn per hour.
you can, although it is though that you shouldn't participate in exercise for 2 hours after eating a large meal
You walk
In theory, about 20 to 25 months. Any faster weight loss can weaken the heart.
If you want to work with your laptop while exercising it would be best to buy a treadmill desk workstation. There is a nice treadmill standing adjustable desk at You can walk while you work on your laptop.