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hey. I'm fourteen, 128 pounds and I'm 5-ft. 5 inches. I can easily bench 60 kilograms. Its not too difficult. I have friends who can bench press over 75.

I'm fourteen and I'm 150-155 pounds and 5'11 and bench 135 twice. That isn't a lot at all, i consider myself weak. You obviously don't understand how the youth of today work, humans are evolving! haha idk. Maybe who knows.

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Q: How in gods name can a fourteen year old who's body is not developed yet possibly be benching anything over forty kilograms?
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How much should a man be benching at fourteen?

There is no recognized standard but you're doing fine if you can bench your own body weight.

How many kilograms is fourteen pounds?

I did some research on this question and I came up with the answer being 6.35029318 kilograms are in fourteen pounds. Hope this helps!

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Fourteen billion pounds is approximately 6.35 billion kilograms.

What is fourteen pounds in Liverpool?

Two seven pound "anything"

How many kilograms in fourteen ounces?

14 ounces is 14/16 of a pound, and 1 pound is 0.4536 kg, so 14 ounces is 0.3969 kg

How do you become an actress at the age of fourteen?

get into all the drama you can, audition for movies, adds and tv programs, anything you can to get experiernce.

Forteen or fourteen?

The correct spelling is fourteen.

You are fourteen years old and pregnant can you have a c-section by your choice?

I think that it is a good thing to go get one done. but if you parents say no then you can't do anything about it when your only fourteen. e-mail me if you have more questions :)

What kind of jobs can a fourteen yr-old girl in North Carolina get?

you could be a model, an actor. you can do anything if you put your mind to it :)

What if your fourteen and pregnant what do the doctors ask you?

Mostly, they just ask the stuff they normally ask you. You don't have to tell them anything you don't want to.

How many kilos is fourteen pounds?

14 lb is 6.35 kgThe formulas are:lbs ÷ 2.2 = kilograms (kg)kg x 2.2 = pounds (lb)Therefore: 14 ÷ 2.2 = 6.36 approximately.