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Depending on your level of fitness, a 47 year old man in relatively good shape, and running on a regular basis, should run a mile in 7 1/2 to 9 minutes.

If it takes you longer, you need to run more often and further than 1 mile. See runners world for great tips and good luck.

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13y ago

The oldest person to run under a 5-minute mile was 65 years old.

The oldest person to run under a 6-minute mile was 71 years old.

The oldest under 7 minutes was 78.

I cant answer your question specifically, but I would guess that the average for a 70-year old is probably between 8:30 and 9:30. The 78-year old who ran a 6:55, adding even more astonishment, didnt start running seriously until he turned 70.

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12y ago

The average 62 year old can not run a mile. If you can run it at all, your doing something right! Keep at it!

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Q: How fast should a sixty two year old man run a mile?
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you are slow, I ran a 5:03 mile last year when I was ELEVEN. When you are 14 for you, you should run around a 15 minute mile. :) happy running(:

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