You have to maintain a minimum average speed of 8.2 miles per hour.
5.45 mph
5.5 mph
My 11 year old son Kane Everson ran a mile in 6.04 in schools mile run in 2012
If your goal is a 11 min. mile and a half, your mile time should be about 7:33.
A minimum pace of 5.5 mph is required.
Depending on fitness, 11 to 15 minutes.
You will have to average at least 13.2 kilometers per hour over the 1.5-mile distance to achieve an 11-minute mile.
An 8 minute mile is very good for a 7 year old. My son ran around an 8 minute mile in 5th grade when he was 11 years old and he was second in the school. So an 8 minute mile is good for a seven year old.
12+ minute mile- low fitness 11 minute mile- below average fitness 10 minute mile-average fitness 9 minute mile- decent fitness 8 minute mile- commendable fitness 7 minute mile- exceptional fitness 6 minute mile- "Athlete Level" fitness 5 minute mile- "Super Athlete Level" Fitness <4 minute mile: WOW
At my school it's 9:02 which is fairly easy if u run a lot hope this helps