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There are a number of ways people can become more veiny than what they naturally are:

1. lose body fat. if you do lots of cardio you will lose body fat and less fat means your veins show more as that layer is removed.

2. Drink lots of water this can help to increase blood circulation.

3. Build muscle, by doing weights you will build muscle mass as well as losing fat. if your muscles are bigger then you push the veins up and towards the skin making them show more.

so remember exercise and build muscle and this will make your veins more visible.

some people are naturally veiny it can be genetic.

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To get Veiny on your arms or aywhere on your body you have to have low Body fat percentage, and lift weights. It basically comes down to those 2 factors although Genetics also play a role on how veiny you look but just about anyone can get that look if they have low body fat and lift weights. Your diet is also very importnat it has to be very low in fat and rich of veggies fruits and lean protein and good portion sizes. You will find that people who have veiny arms have a very low body fat and almost always work out. Veins are visible because the muscle pushes them out due to muscle growth and less fat under your skin. Its a sign of great vasularity meaning how your blood goes through your arterys and veins. so lit weight and really cut down the fat in your diet you should see results quickly.

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