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Anemia does not inhibit weight gain. You may consider an iron supplement to help balance your system.

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Q: How can you gain weight if im anemic?
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Does being anemic make you gain weight or make it harder to lose weight?

low iron in the blood does neither

Im 15 im 5'7 and only weigh about 100 how do I gain weight I eat a lot but cant gain no weight?

Please see your doctor for a full physical. You may have a thyroid disorder that could be corrected.

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im assuming you mean solpadol, the pain reliever. While this does have side effects, none of the side effects include weight gain.

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It could be bloating or rapid weight gain.

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if you gain weight it is definitely a girl if you are loosing weight it is a boy

How can you gain 10 pounds fast because you are very skinny for your height?

easey. what you do is you eat alot. i tend to eat when i get bored and also when im hungry and i seem to be gaining alot of weight latly that i dont want. im working on loosing it, but to gain weight is simple, just eat and dont think about how fatty the food is just keep eating and sooner or later ull gain alot of weight.

Im 64 kgs before i got pregnant and a normal weight gainer now its 5th month running and now im only 67 kgs is it ok?

Yes, this is okay. Women gain weight differently during their pregnancies. Some women gain weight differently during different pregnancies within the same women. This is all normal.

Im trying to gain weight so you are eating a lot but it is all just going to your stumach im starting to look pregnant you still want to gain weight but in your hole body what should you do?

If you're lifting along with eating you are either eating too much, or not lifting enough. Or, if you aren't lifting weights, you should be.

Im 13 and only weigh 69lbs and my twin weighs even less but i cant gain weight no matter how much i eat HELP no im not anorexic?

well if you want to gain weight just eat fat foods and or just live with it might be good for you and another thing just have a good diet and you will be good!

I am 13 years old 5 foot 7 and weigh 96 pounds. I wanna gain weight but healthy weight. ( my parents think im anorexic because im constantly counting calories) do you know how many calories i shouls e?

You might not be anorexic, but you are underweight. You should get about 2250 calories per day until your weight goes up. Slow weight-gain is healthier than the quick kind.