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In the morning because it starts your metabolism for the day. If you do it at night and then go to sleep very soon after, you body will not burn fat for as long. It is best to do speed training to burn fat. It keeps your body burning calories for longer.

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Q: How can you burn more fat running in the morning or at night?
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Do you lose more calories running at night or in the morning?

You lose the same amount, but in the morning you will continue to burn calories throughout the day after your workout, because when you are sleeping your mind and body shuts down, not allowing yourself to burn calories.

When is the best time off day to exercise?

The morning. It is shown that you burn more fat running for 20 minutes in the morning than running for 30 minutes later on in the day

Does running on an empty stomach first thing in the morning burn more fat?

No, infact running with an empty stomach will have an adverse affect on the fat you can burn. Without food in your stomach for energy you will not be able to run very far, and therefor will not be able to burn much fat.

You burn more calories by running or doing kickboxing?

when you do kickboxing you burn off more calories cause you are more active and moving around.

Intercourse burns as many calories as running a mile?

No, running will burn far more calories.

Do you remember better if you read in morning or night?

Generally in the morning mainly because you are more alert.

What do you eat more in the morning than in the night?

you eat more in the night because your body is tired from your daily activities

If you weigh less do you burn more calories when running?

theoretically a heavier person will burn more calories running the same distance than a lighter person. There is more muscle and more mass to be moved on a heavier person therefore more energy is needed.

Why do you weight more in the afternoon than morning?

Because you burn calories while sleeping

Do you burn more calories running a mile or ridding your bike for a mile?

Riding a bike because your legs are doing more work then running.

Do you burn the same calories if you walk 5 miles compared to running 5 miles?

No. You will burn many more calorie running the same distance than you would by walking.

Do you burn more calories speed walking or running?

Running because it uses more energy. You are moving faster And your heart beats faster burning more calories.