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As your body enters 'steady state' exercise it responds by recruiting the aerobic enery system. This system operates at a low intensity for long time durations and uses O2 as well as fats and CH02 to produce ATP. As the intensity is low, this energy system is able to keep up with the demands of 02 consumption.

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7y ago

As we begin to take part in exercise multiple muscle groups begin contracting in order for the running action to take place, these are more contractions than you experience when not exercising, this can cause excess heat to be generated, this heat then travels from the muscle fibers to the skin, this also then generates sweating to take place this is a process called

vasodilation. capillaries near the surface of the skin will increase in size to increase blood flow and assist the removal of heat from the body, Because of this when taking part exercise the face may turn red
Tasha Webster

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11y ago

Energy systems response to acute exercise happens when the exercise is a high intensity, which is too much for the cardiovascular and respiratory system to deal with. The first response is to use the creatine phosphate energy system. This works in the fast-twitch muscle fibre of the muscles high energy creatine phosphate compounds which are able to break down extremely quickly to create large amounts of ATP. ATP is where we get the energy from to continue and this system only works for the first 10 to 20 seconds of exercise with 100% effort.

It is likely that the lactic acid system would provide energy at the start of any activity, even if the intensity is not enough for the aerobic system. If you go out on a jog, most of this is powered by the aerobic system, but the start of the jog is needs to create ATP so that the heart and lungs have enough oxygen and can saturate the blood before the aerobic system can kick in. When the heart and lungs have caught up with the movement of the activity and the intensity is low enough, then the aerobic energy system can fuel the body.

In bas scenarios, such as an overweight person trying to walk up the stairs, the unfit person cannot supply enough oxygen to their body with the aerobic system. This may require a tremendous amount of effort for the individual, so they would have to use the anaerobic system without a choice. This would cause them high heart and breathing rates, they would have to take recovery periods and would produce lactic acid, as a part of anaerobic energy production

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k,mkl.njhvbyhnj liverpool 1 brighton 1

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