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Q: Does power walking give you SKINNIER thighs If i were to power walk 30 minutes for 3-4 days a week on the treadmill and do long lean leg pilates everyday would this give me skinnier thighs in a month?
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10 minutes apparently Zack is older than Cody

If i go on a treadmill everyday for 20 minutes will my legs get skinny or muscular?

fat you would lose any excess fat, your legs would be toned.

How does a kid who is 115 pounds lose weight fast?

Drink three liters of soda (NOT DIET!), and go and buy everything with trans fat and high fructose corn syrup. Eat it all. if possible eat in five minutes, and if you throw up, it is working very well. After that, drink 100 monsters so you can stay awake to see yourself get skinnier. This always works.TRUST ME! after an hour, eat a container of bleach. Then stay up longer and watch yourself get skinnier! It always works. WARNING: Effects may cause death or extreme injury. Also there is a risk of internal bleeding.

What is the best 30 minute workout routine that I can do from home?

You could walk and run in your treadmill everyday if you have one. But if you don't have, you can do crunching, leg lifting or even stair aerobics for 10 to 30 minutes a day.

What speed should you run on a treadmill to get a distance of 2.2 miles in around 20 minutes?

Set the treadmill at 6.6 mph

How often I should I use my treadmill and for how long?

You should use your treadmill on a regular basis. You should use it every day if possible. You should use the treadmill for twenty to thirty minutes.

What to set the treadmill at to run 4miles in 35 minutes?

Set it at 7 mph

How many steps does a person take while doing 30 minutes on the treadmill?


If your pace on a treadmill is 65 meters per minute how many minutes will it take for you to walk a distance of 7500 feet?

35 minutes

How long is 1000 meters on treadmill?

I depends on the speed of the treadmill. If it was set to 1 km/hour, It would take 1 hour. If it was set to 5 km/hour, It would take 12 minutes At 10 km/hour 6 minutes. At 20 km/hour 3 minutes. If your treadmill has no speedometer, you can count your strides, or steps. The average stride is about 1 meter. So after 1,000 steps, you have made it!

What is the treadmill pace to run 9.5 minute mile?

60 (minutes/hour) / 9.5 (minutes/ mile) = 6.316 miles per hour

How long will it take to do a marathon on treadmill at speed 6 mph?

4 hours 22 minutes.