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It's possible to go from 110 to 220 in 4 years without roids. Just because some people only gain 30 in 13 years doesn't mean they should speak badly of other people just because they are a different body type. I personally have went from 160 to 245 in almost 6 years without taking anything stronger than creatine. I have picked up a little higher BF% but that goes with taking in several calories a day in order to bulk and get stronger. I'm not looking to compete in body building, maybe powerlifting though. The point of what I'm saying is that everyones body is different so you should just do your best, push yourself and you'll achieve your potential.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Lifting Weights will actually make your weight go up. Do not be alarmed by this though. Your weight will increase but your fat will decrease. Your weight will simply go up because muscle weighs more than fat. Overall lifting weights will improve your health.
It really depends on where you're starting from, and, how you do it.

If you haven't done much exercise at all before starting to try to lose weight, then you won't have much muscles, and with only a little muscle it becomes harder to exercise effectively. A lot of the calorie use happens in the muscles, so with little muscle comes low/slow calorie use.

Moderate weight lifting(light weights, plenty of repetitions) will help you lose weight.

The exercise burns calories and increase your metabolism, and a bit of added muscle will let you put more effort into your exercises and burn more calories.

If you're starting from a couch potato, some muscles strength is good protection against injuries. The fat can actually be replaced with muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so your loss of inches will actually be more dramatic than your loss of weight at first.

Heavy weight lifting(heavy weights, few repetitions) doesn't help you lose weight. Weight lifting will build muscle mass, which will actually increase your body weight.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes it does but it depends how much you do and the gained weight sometimes mean muscle. Which builds good fat. But if you workout but don't stick to a exercise and eating routine you might as well forget about losing weight!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Technically, yes and no. Muscle weighs more than fat, so the equivalent amount of muscle will make you weigh more on a scale. Bigger muscles burn more calories as well, so muscle is key to losing weight. A more accurate measurement is to go with body fat percentage or BMI.

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How can a women gain weight naturally?

A woman can gain weight naturally by increasing their calorie intake. Also exercising and lifting weights will help to make lean muscle weight.

What weight exercises can you perform to gain height?

The only "weight exercise" that will make you gain height is hanging with heavy weights on the downward part of your body, and that only temporarily. Lifting weights builds muscle mass; it has nothing at all to do with how tall you are.

Will lifting weights help you gain muscle?

Lifting weights will make your muscles contrast and burn fat from your body while strengthening the muscles at the same time. It will help you gain muscle.

Can you put on weight through using weights?

Technically speaking lifting weights can make you "put on weight", but not in the sense that it makes you fatter, it can just make you heavier, but that is simply because muscles weigh more than fat, so lifting weights can make you gain muscles, but at the same time you are losing fat, but on the scale you might weigh more than before even though you are losing body fat and are therefore leaner. So, it can make you put on weight, but in reality it actually means you are leaner than before even though you weigh more.

What would be the one best weight loss exercise if you only had time for one?

Well lifting weights is going to build muscle which will actually make you gain weight and size. Playing tennis for an hour will raise your heart rate which will make you loose weight. I would definitely go with tennis if you are looking to loose weight.

What can make you stronger?

Lifting up weights.

What size weights should a fourteen year old use?

Start lifting with what you are comfortable with and then gradually start adding weight. Ex. start lifting 5lb, next week (or every other week) make it a 10lb weight

Do lifting weights make you stronger?

yes after week or so.

Does your weight effect how much weight you can lift?

yes, it can actually make you weaker if you do to much a day. If you do it not to much but quite a bit so you dont lose muscle you can carry heavier weights over a time period. But if your under 18 and haven't had your full growth spurt it can stunt growth. It can much make your bones weaker but you these things might not happen you may be lucky or just wait until 18. Also it can make you have undeveloped bones!

Will lifting weights before you are 16 make you short?

I have never herd of that, im 16 and i have been lifting weights for 2 yrs and it hasn't made me short I have never herd of that, im 16 and i have been lifting weights for 2 yrs and it hasn't made me short

I am 13 year old female and am 4'10 and weight 67 pounds.How do you I gain more weight?

A healthy way to gain more weight is to make sure that your are eating at least 2000 calories a day. Also, add lots of protein to your diet. Since you are so tiny, you should be eating at least 75 grams of protein a day. You can get this protein from meats, bagels, and Powerbar Protein Plus bars. Weight lifting can also add some weight to your body also. It builds muscle which weights 2x more than fat. That's my advice to make you gain weight.

Lifting weights at 8 years old affect your growth?

No, lifting will not stunt your growth as the myth grows. But at such a young age you need supervision, and make sure you do it correctly. There are many benefits of weight training, even at this age.