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Protein bars can be an advantageous method to add carbs, protein, nutrients, and minerals to your eating regimen. Likewise, they may control craving, fuel an exercise, or backing muscle fix after work out. All things considered, they can't supplant the quality and supplement structure of entire food sources. The protein bars should tested and should enough protein of upto 22g each bar. There are many proteins bars out there be sure to select the best protein bars which is good. For more visit - rennetmicelle

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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Kylee Homenick

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βˆ™ 3y ago
good answer tyyy ?
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βˆ™ 12y ago

yes it does but the types of protein do different things like whey or casein i like casein slower release time for a more continuous grow. make sure not to take in more than your body weight in protein so if you weigh 120lbs only take 120g of protein a day max

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Not by much. Protein shakes are mainly beneficial if you're training so hard that you can't get enough nutrition through your regular meals - and there aren't many people who can achieve that.

Most people following a regular Western diet will already be eating more protein than their bodies can absorb, and the rest will just be eliminated via the kidneys. Adding more won't help.

There's a little help from shakes and supplements, as they are easier to bring along than regular foodstuffs. If you eat the right stuff at the right time after a workout, you'll recover a little bit faster.


In a way yes they do they have the extra amino acids in it to help heal the muscles. So, in a way they do.

  • Well, basically you can't build muscles without any protein.
  • Yes; protein is the major component of muscle, and consuming more of it provides more raw material for them to be formed of. A protein shake should have at least 20 grams of protein in it, and it should be consumed within an hour after working out, but aim for within 30 minutes. Try to make a shake with a good blend of whey protein and casein protein. the whey is quick digestive for immediate muscle recovery and the casein is slower to be digested for continued recovery.


  • Simple answer, yes. Do protein shakes add muscle by themselves? No. Protein shakes are not miracle cures just aids to help you take steps in the right direction. You need a high protein diet to add lean muscle, adding carbs will add mass. If you are not bothered about accumulating fat then cram in plenty of carbs too. However if you are wanting lean muscle then aim to moderate your carbs and possibly cycle them. A protein rich diet is the key. Around 2g of protein/kg of bodyweight can be consumed per day. So for e.g. a 70kg athlete should be consuming 140g a day at the very least. Every individual is different so your requirements may vary by 10g-15g. Also the next component which is also very important is strength/hypertrophy training. You need to keep the intensity nice and high, keeping your rep range 6-12 and your rest should be around 60-90secs.

Yeah, protein shakes help mostly from the protein. Muscles require protein to repair themselves, and protein shakes typically have 20-30 grams. It also helps to have some carbs to go along with that.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No. At least not by themselves. If they did, then everyone who drank protein shakes would be muscular. This is obviously not the case. Only good diet and exercise can build muscle, and protein shakes (and other sources of protein such as soy, whey, eggs, and meat) are a key component of the dietary aspect because they can provide the building blocks of muscle that your body needs in order to increase the size and strength of muscles.

It is also important to note that large muscles mostly consist of water, so it's possible to build muscle mass without protein, but you're not going to get much stronger that way.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

yes. Protein shakes build lean muscle. You should take it right after you work out.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

yes when taking a protein supplement your muscles are taking to new extremes while recovering or working out depending if you take a pre post or both pre and post work out supplements

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes, protein bars will help you build muscle. Protein bars will allow you to gain more muscles faster because the protein will help your body reach its potential.

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Zia Johnson

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βˆ™ 1y ago

I have the correct answer on my page there’s a link click it

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes. All proteins build muscle.

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Is it ok to drink protein shakes if you lift weights?

yes! protein shakes help you build lean muscle. If you work out as well, it will speed up the process and you will build muscle. The best times for taking protein shakes are in the morning and right after working out. When you work out, your muscles tear. The protein shakes fill those tears to help build muscle faster.

How do you build lean muscle with out losing weight?

Protein is an important factor in gaining muscle. Eating more protein and drinking protein shakes will help you build lean muscle without losing weight. It is also important to be consistant with the amount of weight you lift and the number of reps you do.

What is the purpose of drinking a protein drink?

The purpose of consuming protein drinks is a faster muscle formation of the human's body. That is why many bodybuilders drink special protein shakes to enhance the build-up of muscles.

What does john Abraham eat to build muscle?

I read that he is a vegetarian, so he takes a lot of protein shakes.

Are protein shakes really worth the money?

Protein shakes will not instantly build muscle. So if you use them do not expect them to show results the next day. You have to work out or do some kind of exercise for them to do anything.

Will drinking protein shakes be beneficial if you want to build muscle more quickly?

If used properly --of course. If you want to be hardcore about it just drink liquid egg whites. No sugar. No fat. Tastes like cr-p. Super high in protein.

Should I use a protein powder to build muscle mass?

Yes, you should use a protein powder to build muscle mass. Or you can also make protein shakes consisting of different fruits and vegetables which would more than likely be better than a powder.

What are the advantages of drinking whey protein?

The main advantage that is gained by drinking whey protein is that it helps build muscle and refresh muscles after a workout. It is often added to milk to drink.

What do body building protein shakes do?

If you are unsure of protein for muscular strength, you can look up how it helps to build muscle after a workout and it repairs muscles that have endured a strong weight training regimen daily.

How can a 13-year-old build muscle?

im 13 and im ripped all i did was search on google for a work out routine i bought protein shakes, ate healthy, and did cardio

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Should you use protein shakes or normal food in order to build muscles?

you should use a protein shake so you can be strong.