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No. It will help manage new muscle mass keeping you flexible but it doesn't directly affect muscle growth. Train for strength and eat for mass.

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Q: Do you gain muscle by stretching?
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What tipe of Stretching that uses neuromuscular reflexes to gain further stretching of the muscle is called?

PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) Stretching. Once the muscle elongation is controlled and the danger of tearing is past, the muscle then relaxes. During this phase, the muscle is more relaxed and, thus, able to stretch further. This is the principle on which PNF stretching is based. In addition to stretching the muscle fibers, PNF also has the advantage of training the stretch receptors of the muscles to become accustomed to the muscle's greater length, allowing the muscle to elongate further without resistance. (odysseyware answer)

Are there muscle in the body that do not need stretching?

eyelash muscle

Why stretching a muscle beyond its optimal length reduce its ability to contract?

Stretching a muscle beyond its optimal length reduces its ability to contract. This is because the muscle can be torn or damaged.

Are there Stretching exercises for teres minor muscle?

There are stretching exercises for the teres minor muscle. Any stretches involving the shoulder or shoulder blade will stretch the teres minor muscle.

What are two types of static stretching?

Two types of static stretching are active static stretching, where the individual uses their own muscles to hold a stretch position, and passive static stretching, where an external force such as a partner or prop is used to help stretch the muscle.

What is an unsafe method of stretching?

Ballistic stretching is considered unsafe. Ballistic stretching is stretching with fast jerky movements, snapping the muscle to its limits very quickly instead of slowly and gently stretching it.

What property of muscle tissues improve with stretching?


How long does it take to heal a torn oblique muscle?

..I remember when I tore my thigh muscle from stretching.. I stopped stretching for at least a week, just to be on the safe side not to damage it again.

When a muscle is stretched by a contraction of the opposing muscle it is called?

if you're on OdysseyWare your answer would be Active stretching.............. =)

How do you loose fat but not gain muscle?

Great way to lose belly fat but not gain muscle is to walk fast. Do this for 10 minutes every day, and make sure one foot is always on the ground.Another way is to do stretching exercises, especially in the morning and before you go to bed. Do ones that mainly involve the movement of the upper body.

What is the contract antagonist-relax method of stretching?

stretching that facilitates and increase in muscle length through isometric contraction

Is it easier to gain muscle from fat?

It's impossible to gain muscle from fat. You get muscle from heavy exercises and protein :>