Yes, the air pressure in a ball can affect the distance it travels. Overinflated or underinflated balls may not travel as far as properly inflated balls because the amount of air pressure can impact the ball's bounce and flight trajectory.
There are a few different types of exercise balls. One can get large exercise balls, mini balls, medicine balls, small toning balls, foot massage balls and weighted exercise balls.
The weighted vest will affect every muscle in your body. This of course affects your chest, and your back muscles by far the most.
Medicine balls are weighted balls almost 14 inches in diameter and are most often used to strengthen the muscles in the arms through various movements.
When you begin exercising with weighted balls, you should begin with ones that are light, and then you can work your way up to heavier ones. Always start your routine without the weights until the muscles and joints are warmed. Add the balls into the routine slowly until you are sure that you can handle the added weight. Walking is the easiest activity to do with weighted balls. They add resistance to make your workout more beneficial.
it shouldn't affect your unweighted GPA, as long as your weighted GPA is higher than a 4.0 then your unweighted stays a 4.0 (hopefully this makes sense)
It dosn't affect the distance.
Ben Wah Balls will not affect the IUD.
No, logos on golf balls do not affect the playability of the ball in anyway.
Distance and time do not, in general, affect the speed. Speed, however, can affect distance or time. Distance is directly proportional to speed, time is inversely proportional.
it makes my balls sweaty