The cast of Unhas e Outras - 2011 includes: Gilda Barros as Gilda
Que beleza de unhas !
The cast of Unhas clases do social a tempo - 2012 includes: Julio Cela as Padre de la novia Miguel Guido as Xoan Santiago Romay as Carlos Ademar Silvoso as Camarero Bar
Well, honey, technically nails grow faster than hair, but it sure doesn't feel like it when you're waiting for that fresh mani to grow out. So, next time you're impatiently staring at your nails, just remember they're outpacing your locks in the growth department.
The World Food Programme oversees and runs the airline known as UNHAS, or United Nations Humanitarian Air Service . Regular aviation services are provided, such as light freight transportation for the larger humanitarian community to and from crisis and intervention locations. Surface travel is generally difficult in the majority of humanitarian aid-recipient nations because of difficult security circumstances, lengthy distances, and poor road conditions. 75 aircraft and helicopters are in its fleet. In 23 countries, including African and Arab nations, UNHAS offers passenger carrier and light cargo services. This has excellent flight travel policies, for example. Try searching for airlinesbuddy on Google for more airline-related information.
Santiago Romay has: Played Fito in "Mareas vivas" in 1998. Played himself in "A polos 25" in 2009. Played Moncho in "Gondar" in 2009. Played Fito in "A solaina" in 2010. Played Bento in "Vilamor" in 2012. Played himself in "Tourilandia" in 2012. Played Manolo in "Personal Movie" in 2012. Played Carlos in "Unhas clases do social a tempo" in 2012. Played Tony in "Blockbuster" in 2013. Played Carlos in "Clases de lo Social: La Webserie" in 2013. Performed in "Somos gente honrada" in 2013.
Julio Cela has: Performed in "O labirinto ario" in 2008. Performed in "A estadea" in 2010. Played Padre de la novia in "Unhas clases do social a tempo" in 2012. Played Roberto Sampaio in "Verba Vermella" in 2012. Played Padre de Marta in "Clases de lo Social: La Webserie" in 2013.