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You can do single leg squats by placing one leg back on a chair or weight bench and squat down with one leg. It works just as well as doing both legs with some weight. Good balance is needed, so be careful.

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Q: Can you do squats without weights to make your butt bigger or are weights necessary?
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What makes your but bigger?

Alot of squats using free weights.

What type of squats should be done when trying to build a bigger butt?

You can't make your butt "bigger". You can only tone it. If you're thinking of Jessica Simpson in Dukes, she was wearing padded-butt underwear, easily available online. You can do squats with or without weights. Stand with your needs aligned over your feet and squat down until you are almost in a sitting position. Hold. Then slowly come back up. To maintain your balance without weights, put your arms in front of you as you squat. ~ T

How can you get heavier by building muscle without doing weights?

Do bodyweight exercises such as chins, push-ups, and squats. .

How can a 16 year old girl who is 5'1 grow a bigger buttock?

squats ,squats and more squats girl....good luck

How do you reduce my increasing height if i am 5'9ft?

put weights over your head and do squats

What is the best workout without weights?

A combo of pull ups push ups and dips are the best workouts for the upper body. lunges and Tyson squats are great for lower body

How many squats will burn 100 calories?

depending how low and fast you go but 900 squats using 10 pound weights your loseings about 700 calories

How do you make you butt bigger?

Eat more and do more squats

What exercise to do for a bigger butt?

Squats, Jumping jacks, Lunges

What can you do to have a bigger plump butt?

Do weighted squats!! Trust me, they work!!

When you do squats and be come sore does that mean your but is going to be bigger?


Hos go build my arms up and legs withiut weights?

Squats and jumping-rope are a good way to develop leg muscles without weights. Arms can be built by doing slow push-ups while keeping your elbows close to your body.